API Pricing
Simple, transparent pricing
Pay only for what you use. All API plans include support for PNG, JPEG, WebP, and AVIF formats.
Simple, flexible API pricing for every developer
Start building with our API today - no credit card required. Get 500 free image compressions every month. Need more? Our pay-as-you-go model means you only pay for what you use, with no monthly commitments or hidden fees. Perfect for projects of any size, from small startups to large enterprises.
- 0-500 images
- Free
- 501-5,000 images
- $0.008 per image
- 5,001-10,000 images
- $0.006 per image
- 10,000+ images
- $0.0015 per image
API Features
Powerful features to help you integrate image compression into your applications seamlessly.
Simple HTTP endpoints for easy integration with any programming language or framework.
API Key Authentication
Secure access with unique API keys and optional IP whitelisting.
Rate Limiting
Fair usage limits with clear error responses and usage tracking.
Webhook Support
Get notified when processing is complete with configurable webhooks.
Developer Experience
Built by developers, for developers. Everything you need to integrate image compression into your applications.
Comprehensive Documentation
Detailed API reference, code examples, and best practices to help you get started quickly.
SDKs & Libraries
Official SDKs for popular languages and frameworks, making integration even easier.
Developer Support
Dedicated support team and community forums to help you succeed.
API Demo
Frequently asked questions
Sign up for an account and you'll receive your API key immediately. Our comprehensive documentation will guide you through the integration process. We also provide example code in multiple programming languages.
Free tier users are limited to 500 images per month. Paid tiers have higher limits based on your plan. Rate limiting is applied per API key to ensure fair usage. Contact us for custom rate limits for enterprise customers.
All API requests are encrypted using HTTPS. We use API key authentication for secure access. Images are processed in isolated environments and automatically deleted after processing. We never store or share your original images.